Racing Cancelled this coming Saturday 4th February

2 Feb

Due to the heavy rain washing debris, and bacteria from paddocks or sewerage into waterways the Public Health authority sent out a red alert warning on the 1st February, closing all beaches, rivers, and lakes in the Waikato region until the 7th February. The closure applies to all recreational water activities, i.e. not just swimming. This warning was only officially conveyed to Lake Rotoroa users by Hamilton City Council, late afternoon on Wednesday. Our apologies to Twilight racing sailors who turned up to race only to find that the racing was cancelled at the last minute. The HYC executive will write to the council seeking further detail about the alert because the available data on the lake water quality does not indicate high bacteria levels in the water, and because the lake is not fed by a river there is little danger of debris making sailing hazardous (at least no more dangerous than normal).

Please note that Learn to Sail is STILL ON this Friday but with on shore activities and a good chance for new sailors to meet their coaches and group.